Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Libraries are Books

Steve Coffman, in an article that appeared today in Ken Haycock's weekly blog, states that libraries will continue to be successful by stressing what they do best - selecting, circulating and promoting PRINT BOOKS.  Maker spaces, video games, community engagement are not the sole purview of the public library, yet many are incorporating these activities in an effort to remain relevant in a digital world where content is everywhere.

Here is a link to his article: http://kenhaycock.com/betting-book/?utm_source=Ken+Haycock+%26+Associates+Inc+-+MASTER+LIST&utm_campaign=44e5af17da-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_fc1ffb99dc-44e5af17da-60689861

What do you think?  Are libraries with print books still viable for the future?

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