Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Synergies = Awareness

Last June, the new Beamsville Branch opened in a multi-use facility with an arena, meeting space and a walking track.  Our circulation has increased 31% and daily visits are regularly 400 or more.  We can certainly determine that some of the increase is due to the interest in a new library facility.

However, the new community centre is now becoming the place to be for seniors who use the walking track and visit the library, families who come for a hockey game and visit the library, teens who buy a coffee at the café and visit the library and people going to exercise class and visit the library.

Certainly the synergies of being in a community centre has made the Fleming Branch a community hub. But what do we make of the increase in circulation at our other branch in Vineland? The high profile of the new community centre has increased the library's profile for its patrons in the eastern part of the Town.

We are pleased with the warm reception we have received from the community in our new facility.  We are also pleased that we have been able to reconnect with our residents and promote all the wonderful services, collections and programs we have.

A little good publicity goes a long way to great community awareness.

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